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RNAseq data set for the effect of Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) on mouse kidney. This environmental contaminant was administered by gavage in aqueous vehicle to male B6C3F1/J mice, within a dose-reponse design including five doses plus the control.




Zhou_kidney_pce contains one row per transcript, with the first column corresponding to the identifier of each transcript, and the other columns giving the count of reads for each replicate at each dose. In the first line, after the name for the identifier column, we have the tested doses for each corresponding replicate.


Zhou, Y. H., Cichocki, J. A., Soldatow, V. Y., Scholl, E. H., Gallins, P. J., Jima, D., ... & Rusyn, I. 2017. Comparative dose-response analysis of liver and kidney transcriptomic effects of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene in B6C3F1 mouse. Toxicological sciences, 160(1), 95-110.


# (1) load of data
#>             V1   V2   V3      V4      V5      V6      V7      V8      V9  V10
#> 1       RefSeq    0    0    0.22    0.22    0.22    0.67    0.67    0.67    2
#> 2    NM_144958 2072 2506 2519.00 2116.00 1999.00 2113.00 2219.00 2322.00 2359
#> 3    NR_102758    0    0    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0
#> 4    NM_172405  198  265  250.00  245.00  212.00  206.00  227.00  246.00  265
#> 5    NM_029777   18   29   25.00   19.00   19.00   13.00   22.00   19.00   19
#> 6 NM_001130188    0    0    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    0.00    1.00    0
#>    V11  V12  V13  V14  V15
#> 1    2    2    6    6    6
#> 2 1932 1705 2110 2311 2140
#> 3    0    0    0    0    0
#> 4  205  175  288  315  242
#> 5   26   16   26   32   33
#> 6    0    0    1    0    1
#> 'data.frame':	33395 obs. of  15 variables:
#>  $ V1 : chr  "RefSeq" "NM_144958" "NR_102758" "NM_172405" ...
#>  $ V2 : int  0 2072 0 198 18 0 0 3 0 61 ...
#>  $ V3 : int  0 2506 0 265 29 0 0 1 0 65 ...
#>  $ V4 : num  0.22 2519 0 250 25 ...
#>  $ V5 : num  0.22 2116 0 245 19 ...
#>  $ V6 : num  0.22 1999 0 212 19 ...
#>  $ V7 : num  0.67 2113 0 206 13 ...
#>  $ V8 : num  0.67 2219 0 227 22 ...
#>  $ V9 : num  0.67 2322 0 246 19 ...
#>  $ V10: int  2 2359 0 265 19 0 0 0 0 91 ...
#>  $ V11: int  2 1932 0 205 26 0 0 0 0 59 ...
#>  $ V12: int  2 1705 0 175 16 0 0 0 0 47 ...
#>  $ V13: int  6 2110 0 288 26 1 0 0 0 42 ...
#>  $ V14: int  6 2311 0 315 32 0 0 0 0 60 ...
#>  $ V15: int  6 2140 0 242 33 1 0 2 1 58 ...

# \donttest{

# (2) import, check, normalization and transformation of a sample
# of one of those datasets
d <- Zhou_kidney_pce[1:501, ]
(o <- RNAseqdata(d))
#> Just wait, the transformation using regularized logarithm (rlog) may 
#> take a few minutes.
#> converting counts to integer mode
#> Warning: 
#> To optimize the dose-response modelling, it is recommended to use a
#> dose-response design with at least six different tested doses.
#> Elements of the experimental design in order to check the coding of the data:
#> Tested doses and number of replicates for each dose:
#>    0 0.22 0.67    2    6 
#>    2    3    3    3    3 
#> Number of items: 500 
#> Identifiers of the first 20 items:
#>  [1] "NM_144958"    "NR_102758"    "NM_172405"    "NM_029777"    "NM_001130188"
#>  [6] "NM_207141"    "NM_001162368" "NM_008117"    "NM_001168290" "NM_010910"   
#> [11] "NM_001004147" "NM_001146318" "NM_145597"    "NM_001161797" "NM_021483"   
#> [16] "NR_002862"    "NR_033520"    "NM_134027"    "NM_010381"    "NM_019388"   
#> Data were normalized with respect to library size and tranformed using 
#> the following method: rlog

# (3) analysis of the whole dataset (for kidney and PCE)
# (may be long to run)

d <- Zhou_kidney_pce
(o <- RNAseqdata(d))
#> Just wait, the transformation using regularized logarithm (rlog) may 
#> take a few minutes.
#> converting counts to integer mode
#> Warning: 
#> To optimize the dose-response modelling, it is recommended to use a
#> dose-response design with at least six different tested doses.
#> Elements of the experimental design in order to check the coding of the data:
#> Tested doses and number of replicates for each dose:
#>    0 0.22 0.67    2    6 
#>    2    3    3    3    3 
#> Number of items: 33394 
#> Identifiers of the first 20 items:
#>  [1] "NM_144958"    "NR_102758"    "NM_172405"    "NM_029777"    "NM_001130188"
#>  [6] "NM_207141"    "NM_001162368" "NM_008117"    "NM_001168290" "NM_010910"   
#> [11] "NM_001004147" "NM_001146318" "NM_145597"    "NM_001161797" "NM_021483"   
#> [16] "NR_002862"    "NR_033520"    "NM_134027"    "NM_010381"    "NM_019388"   
#> Data were normalized with respect to library size and tranformed using 
#> the following method: rlog

(s <- itemselect(o, select.method = "quadratic", FDR = 0.01))
#> converting counts to integer mode
#>   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
#>   specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
#>   did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
#>   this variable to a factor using the factor() function
#>   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables that have mean or
#>   standard deviation larger than 5 (an arbitrary threshold to trigger this message).
#>   Including numeric variables with large mean can induce collinearity with the intercept.
#>   Users should center and scale numeric variables in the design to improve GLM convergence.
#> estimating size factors
#> estimating dispersions
#> gene-wise dispersion estimates
#> mean-dispersion relationship
#> final dispersion estimates
#> fitting model and testing
#> Number of selected items using a quadratic trend test with an FDR of 0.01: 930
#> Identifiers of the first 20 most responsive items:
#>  [1] "NM_012055"    "NM_026929"    "NM_134188"    "NM_175093"    "NM_008638"   
#>  [6] "NM_180678"    "NM_012006"    "NM_011076"    "NM_001302163" "NM_007918"   
#> [11] "NM_028994"    "NM_172015"    "NM_146200"    "NM_001081318" "NM_011704"   
#> [16] "NM_017399"    "NM_007822"    "NM_010011"    "NM_144869"    "NM_146230"   
(f <- drcfit(s, progressbar = TRUE))
#> The fitting may be long if the number of selected items is high.
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#> Results of the fitting using the AICc to select the best fit model
#> 25 dose-response curves out of 930 previously selected were removed 
#> because no model could be fitted reliably.
#> Distribution of the chosen models among the 905 fitted dose-response curves:
#>             Hill           linear      exponential     Gauss-probit 
#>                1              769               26               86 
#> log-Gauss-probit 
#>               23 
#> Distribution of the trends (curve shapes) among the 905 fitted dose-response curves:
#>    U bell  dec  inc 
#>   67   41  363  434 
#>          id  irow    adjpvalue       model nbpar          b       c         d
#> 1 NM_012055 22032 6.756994e-42        Hill     4 2.70352170 9.81098  7.546171
#> 2 NM_026929 14409 4.585837e-37      linear     2 0.31249103      NA  5.726443
#> 3 NM_134188   986 5.247894e-36      linear     2 0.23123224      NA 10.418319
#> 4 NM_175093 26225 3.843143e-33 exponential     3 0.23781018      NA  5.356573
#> 5 NM_008638 30943 1.187148e-32      linear     2 0.27254307      NA  7.543362
#> 6 NM_180678 14173 9.154882e-29      linear     2 0.08641914      NA 11.552080
#>          e  f      SDres     typology trend        y0 yatdosemax    yrange
#> 1 1.885806 NA 0.21185102   inc  7.546171   9.716030 2.1698591
#> 2       NA NA 0.25622487   inc  5.726443   7.601389 1.8749462
#> 3       NA NA 0.17560544   inc 10.418319  11.805713 1.3873934
#> 4 2.906675 NA 0.16172244   inc  5.356573   6.992494 1.6359211
#> 5       NA NA 0.23350538   inc  7.543362   9.178620 1.6352584
#> 6       NA NA 0.04747107   inc 11.552080  12.070595 0.5185148
#>   maxychange xextrem yextrem
#> 1  2.1698591      NA      NA
#> 2  1.8749462      NA      NA
#> 3  1.3873934      NA      NA
#> 4  1.6359211      NA      NA
#> 5  1.6352584      NA      NA
#> 6  0.5185148      NA      NA

#> Warning: log-10 transformation introduced infinite values.
#> Warning: log-10 transformation introduced infinite values.
#> Warning: log-10 transformation introduced infinite values.

plot(f, dose_log_trans = TRUE)
#> Warning: log-10 transformation introduced infinite values.
#> Warning: log-10 transformation introduced infinite values.
#> Warning: log-10 transformation introduced infinite values.

plot(f, plot.type = "dose_residuals")
#> Warning: log-10 transformation introduced infinite values.

r <- bmdcalc(f, z = 1)

plot(r, by = "trend")

#>          id  irow    adjpvalue       model nbpar          b       c         d
#> 1 NM_012055 22032 6.756994e-42        Hill     4 2.70352170 9.81098  7.546171
#> 2 NM_026929 14409 4.585837e-37      linear     2 0.31249103      NA  5.726443
#> 3 NM_134188   986 5.247894e-36      linear     2 0.23123224      NA 10.418319
#> 4 NM_175093 26225 3.843143e-33 exponential     3 0.23781018      NA  5.356573
#> 5 NM_008638 30943 1.187148e-32      linear     2 0.27254307      NA  7.543362
#> 6 NM_180678 14173 9.154882e-29      linear     2 0.08641914      NA 11.552080
#>          e  f      SDres     typology trend        y0 yatdosemax    yrange
#> 1 1.885806 NA 0.21185102   inc  7.546171   9.716030 2.1698591
#> 2       NA NA 0.25622487   inc  5.726443   7.601389 1.8749462
#> 3       NA NA 0.17560544   inc 10.418319  11.805713 1.3873934
#> 4 2.906675 NA 0.16172244   inc  5.356573   6.992494 1.6359211
#> 5       NA NA 0.23350538   inc  7.543362   9.178620 1.6352584
#> 6       NA NA 0.04747107   inc 11.552080  12.070595 0.5185148
#>   maxychange xextrem yextrem   BMD.zSD   BMR.zSD BMD.xfold BMR.xfold
#> 1  2.1698591      NA      NA 0.8140636  7.758022  1.458975  8.300788
#> 2  1.8749462      NA      NA 0.8199431  5.982668  1.832514  6.299087
#> 3  1.3873934      NA      NA 0.7594332 10.593925  4.505565 11.460151
#> 4  1.6359211      NA      NA 1.5080487  5.518295  3.428164  5.892230
#> 5  1.6352584      NA      NA 0.8567651  7.776867  2.767769  8.297698
#> 6  0.5185148      NA      NA 0.5493120 11.599551        NA 12.707288

# }